Conveniently located right in the Upper Valley, Patch Orchards has been owned and operated by the Patch family since 1775. Patch Orchards offers a diverse selection of apple varieties including Honeycrisp, Kindercrisp, Fuji, Gala, Honeygold, Mcintosh, Cortlands, Paulareds, Empires, Macouns, as well as pumpkins. Come to the top of Churchill Way in Lebanon, New Hampshire to enjoy everything Patch Orchard has to offer.

Pick out a Pumpkin

Pick-Your-Own Apples
Pick-Your-Own Hours
The Farm Stand is Open Daily August through November
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 4:00 pm (Nov-July)
*Pick Your Own apples is available end of August until mid-late October